The Summit is:
for BC survivors and their support team
International and multi-disciplinary
Pre-recorded video conference over 7 -8days
24 hr access to each days program .
A preview program for sharing in 2018-19
Purhase options for BCR&W Summit
Access the program with a link until Dec 2019
Make the program available at your website
Purchase the BCR&W logo photo
Dana Danofree tells her post breast cancer
recovery story: Ana Ono
Presenters 2018-19
Countdown until the Summit starts

Lou James, Physical Therapist, HP Trainer New Zealand

Dr David Wilkinson, Breast Surgeon and author. Australia

Shannon Carlin, Naturopath, Nutritionist Australia

Dr Anita Elias, Sexual Medical Specialist Australia

Denise Stewart, Occupational Therapist Australia

Carin Dreijers, Occupational Therapist South Africa

Kelley Mondesire, Acupuncturist, TCM USA

Susannah Haarmann, Physical Therapist, HP Trainer USA

Jean DiCarlo-Wagner, Yoga trainer USA

Jo Muirhead, Occupational Therapist, Coach Australia

An De Groef, Physical Therapist, Researcher Belgium

Kitiboni Adderley, PT, DPT, CLT, CKTI Bahamas

Reduce unwanted
side effects for
breast cancer survivors, across the world.
Provide best
"after diagnosis" care options.
Find yourself in the best breast cancer aware team.
Between December 1st-8th: a new program of speakers every 24 hours.
The program will highlight viewing suitability.
Video presentations will be directed to: health professionals, breast cancer survivors
or may suit both.

Dealing with anxiety and fear
" a (virtual) workshop you don’t want to miss"
Denise Stewart
Warrior vs Compassion
Presenter: Dr Robin Dilley
It is easy to feel like a victim when your body seems to betray you.
You have to wrap your head and heart around the fact that you have cancer.
There are many stories we can tell ourselves about this disease, but we want to make sure we are telling ourselves a helpful story.
Journaling can help us write the story of hope and help us get in touch with the healer within.
Join Dr. Dilley as she talks to you candidly about being a person with cancer, helping you create imagery that you can believe in and use to heal your mutant cells daily.
Through journaling and imagery you will develop tools that not only help you cope but also lower your anxiety and reduce your fear.
Dr Robin's preview presentation is here
After the Summit
Providing best "after diagnosis" care options throughout 2019
Help change the life of a breast cancer survivor in your town. Purchase a link for your website
Website supporters bring the full program to their community during 2019.
3 clicks to start viewing a presentation from a sponsor website.
See how easy this works: 2017-18 program here

Project funding
Bringing better recovery and quality of life for breast cancer survivors is my passion, work and volunteer service.
Special thanks to the presenters who offer their service to the Summit pro bono: they too are passionate about recovery and wellness.
Together we will make a real difference.