ACCESS TO THE 2018-19 Summit after Dec 8th
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Visit supporter's website to access entire program

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Website Supporter:
Purchase this Australian Indigenous artwork image and have the link to the entire Summit at your website for 2019
Women (and men- yes they do) visiting your website will see that you are a supporter of their recovery and use this link to access the Summit webpage when they need help.
Each time they visit your website, they can view a few more presentations covering common side effects after breast cancer and programs and interventions that work.
You can promote this service to your community.
Why do breast cancer survivors need your support for rehabilitation and wellness?
As hoped, most fund raising for breast cancer is directed to research. We all want to have a cure for breast cancer.
Breast cancer support groups picked up on the lack of health professional support and provided peer to peer support groups as this was a great use of their resources.
Hospital based cancer clinics are beginning to offer some rehabilitation support, however this mostly has limited access and limited funding, thus restricting the types of services available.
Unfortunately there is a history of extremely limited understanding of breast cancer rehabilitation needs, services and outcomes- as it is a relatively new field. Referral and networking between public hospital and community based service providers has been mostly neglected across the world.
Service providers who have been working on developing very special services to meet the recovery needs of breast cancer survivors have mostly done so in the private sector. Today, the most common story from these service providers is that often 20 years ago, a close friend or relative confided in their pain and difficulties. So began their treatment development for them and others. This then led to seeing the need and then developing training programs for other health professionals.
Unfortunately these service providers are micro businesses, they relied on word of mouth, and mostly lacked the energy and resources for advertising.
These are just a few examples of the barriers. People often feel very lost, unsupported and unaware of who can help them, after they have completed their cancer treatments (surgery, chemo and radiotherapy). This is a common complaint today at survivorship meetings.
The importance of supporting people after cancer has been well recognized in UK and America. In America, there was an expectation that by 2016 all cancer survivors receive a plan to incorporate their medical plans and other physical and emotional support services. To date, I believe that has not been delivered, leaving breast cancer survivors from years ago and new breast cancer survivors not having a way of receiving advice about services to support their best recovery.
From the Summit, expert service providers are offering educational and awareness presentations to turn breast cancer recovery around. We want to offer free access to this information, to any internet user, however we need your support to do this.
Your support will fund the co-ordination of a web based, up to date and reliable program of speakers to viewers across the world.
You can be assured that the speakers are offering the latest information, as they are screened by the project administrator, Denise Stewart. Denise has worked and researched developments in this field for 25 years and has been connecting with international like minded therapists for the last 3 years.
Your purchase of the web based artwork and link will be available for Aug 2017 - Aug 2018. Your financial support will go towards increasing the distribution of this resource across many countries and the planning for the 2018-9 Summit and Resource.
You will appreciate the importance of having up-to date information available to your website visitors and so you will be contacted by July 30 to remove the link from 2016-7 and hopefully you will purchase the next year's link.
You can contribute financially, in American Dollars, to this project and receive rewards. Rewards include website logo+ link to the entire program of speakers
The Funding program will be run through Indigogo ( Generosity scheme). The crowd-sourcing project has no set target, with all funds going directly to support the 2107-18 Summit and 12 month website access.
Larger contributions are welcome to support this service delivery to breast cancer survivors and their supporters.
You can support people in their recovery after breast cancer:
Have a link on your website
Arrange for a link on your favourite website
You can support people in their recovery after breast cancer:
Share the care, and tell your community about your support for breast cancer recovery.
Have breast cancer survivors and their supporters visit your website to access the Rehab and Wellness resource over the year.

The artwork is by Anthony Donas, an Australian Aboriginal artist.
It is inspired by Aboriginal teachings of personal growth gained through the people in the circles surrounding the individual.
The colors and inner symbols recognize women and men are affected by breast cancer.
Aboriginal artwork is covered by copyright. Anthony has given this permission for this artwork to be copied and used for use in this project only.
You can help people dealing with the side effects of breast cancer by sharing this collection of presentations from your website.
Maybe you did not know about their difficulties. That is because women usually do not want to been seen as a complainer and if their doctor does not mention interventions to help, they think there is none to be had.
The main issue is the problems are very personal; many women after mastectomy have significant chest pain problems, up to 50% of survivors have arm troubles for years, many have their sex life thrown into chaos and they are just so tired.
These Summit presentations will offer hope for change.
You can contribute financially, in any currency ( PAYPAL) , to this project and receive rewards. Rewards include website logo+ link to the entire program of speakers.
The Funding program will be run through the website shop owned by Denise Stewart, with all funds going directly to support the 2107-18 Summit and 12 month website access.
Larger contributions are welcome to support this service delivery to breast cancer survivors and their supporters.
This artwork image and link is available for your website through crowd funding rewards.
Your website viewers can click on the artwork image and go directly to the entire Summit program of presentations (Aug 2017- Aug 2018) held at this website. Viewers will be encouraged to return daily to the website over 7 weeks to view the entire program and to practice the guided meditations and Pilates.
Intended program viewers: Breast cancer survivors, their family/supporters and local health care providers.
You can contribute financially, in any currency ( PAYPAL) , to this project and receive rewards. Rewards include website logo+ link to the entire program of speakers.
Larger contributions are welcome to support this service delivery to breast cancer survivors and their supporters.
Business owner
website + logo link
Increase breast cancer recovery awareness in your community. Let your local community know about this information service so more breast cancer survivors can access this valuable information.
Your website viewers can click on the artwork image and go directly to the entire Summit program of presentations (Aug 2017- Aug 2018) held at this website. Viewers will be encouraged to return daily to the website over 7 weeks to view the entire program and to practice the guided meditations and Pilates.
Your contribution will support free access service to your viewers (Aug 8 2017-Aug 8 2018).
Intended program viewers: Breast cancer survivors, their family/supporters and local health care providers.
You can contribute financially, in any currency ( PAYPAL) , to this project and receive rewards. Reward for $100 (Aust) is website logo+ link until Aug 8 2018.
Larger contributions are welcome to support this service delivery to breast cancer survivors and their supporters.